Murray Bridge Cods Swimming Club
Competitive swimming training based in Murray Bridge. Raising champions.
Email us TODAY murraybridgecodsswimclub@gmail.com
Swimming season is open for 20 weeks a year and each swimmer works out to cost $24.46 per week. This amount is reduced for swimmers 9 and under.
The development team offer training sessions lasting up to 1 hour 4 nights a week, offering the flexibility to attend all nights or select the nights that suit you best.
Our learn to Swim Squad will improve your childs swimming with three 30-minute sessions a week. You can come to all of them, or choose whichever nights suit you best.
Murray Bridge Cods Swimmers are renowned for their strong swim skills and endurance. Not only is swimming a great way to stay in shape, it also serves as an excellent form of conditioning for other sports activities.
Below fees/charges will be processed through the Swim Central portal https://swimcentral.swimming.org.au and it is your responsibility to ensure you can access your account and have completed payment prior to the season start.
These fees are non-refundable and cover Swimming SA membership, insurance, and club membership.
If you are unsure of how to set up let one of the committee members know so that we can offer you guidance.
Swimmer 10 and Over $177.02 per swimmer.
Swimmer 5 – 9 $144.05 per swimmer.
Swimmer wanting to attend National competitions $188.80 per swimmer.
Parent/Non-Swimmer $30.90 must be one per family over 18 years.
All fees are at the discretion of Swimming SA and were correct as of September 2024
These fees are per season.
If you are unable to pay coaching fees upfront, please contact the club to seek support.
Coaching Fee $235.00 per swimmer.
When you have paid your Swimming SA fees through Swim Central we will send you an invoice.
Eftpos facilities are also available at the club
Early Bird $20.00 Pay in full by 25th October 2024 for swimmers, $5.00 discount for non-swimmer – applied through swim central.
Sports Voucher $100 for school aged children. Only one can be used per year.
Payable to Murray Bridge Pool.
Swimming Club Season Pass During club swimming times only $94.00.
Family Season Pass Max 5 people including 1 adult $479.00 extra person $40.00.
Child 3-12 years day entry $5.50.
If you have a pass, the pass must be presented every time you enter the pool grounds or you will have to pay an entry fee.
All fees are at the discretion of the Murray Bridge Swimming Centre and were correct as of September 2024