Murray Bridge Cods Swimming Club
Competitive swimming training based in Murray Bridge. Raising champions.
Email us TODAY murraybridgecodsswimclub@gmail.com

- Torpedo 4m unassisted.
- Swim bubble arm breathing arm minimum of 12m unaided.
- Correct head position, constant kicking, constant bubbles.
- On back – legs and arms straight, head and hips up and toes pointed.

- Correct head position, especially when breathing.
- Kick 25m strongly and constantly.
- Swim 50m with the correct technique several times per session.
- Correct head position and hips up on the surface.
- Constant kick with straight legs and toes pointed.
- Straight arms, entering above the shoulder, pinkie first.
- Kick 25m strongly and Swim 50m without a board with the correct technique.
- Must show suitable stamina to be able to swim for 60 minutes and work at completing 10 full laps in the 30-minute Turtle session.

- Will listen to coaches and carry out instructions.
- Able to swim all strokes with a sound technique.
- Able to demonstrate basic dive techniques.
- Able to demonstrate basic turns in all strokes.
- Swim a minimum of one session per week.
- 50m freestyle with times of under 50 seconds
- 50m of at least one BBB (Breaststroke, Backstroke or Butterfly)with times of under 60 seconds
- Ability to train for 60 minutes.

- Will listen to coaches and carry out instructions.
- Able to swim all strokes with the correct technique.
- Able to demonstrate race starts and turns.
- Swim a minimum of two sessions per week.
- Attend a minimum of one carnival eg. Murray Bridge Carnival or equivalent.
- Intention to qualify for Country Championships.
- Recommendation from the coach that swimmer is demonstrating required maturity and focus to swim at a senior level
- 50m freestyle with times of under 40 seconds
- 50m of at least one BBB with times of under 50 seconds
- Ability to train for 80 minutes.

- Will listen to coaches and carry out instructions independently with maturity and discipline.
- Able to swim all strokes with high-level technique.
- Able to demonstrate a high-level technique for race starts and turns.
- Swim a minimum of 2 sessions per week.
- Attend a minimum of Murray Bridge Carnival or equivalent.
- Intention to qualify for Country Championships.
- Recommendation from the coach that swimmer is demonstrating required maturity and focus to train at the top squad level
- 50m freestyle with times under 35 seconds
- 50m of at least one BBB with times under 45 seconds
- Ability to train for 80 minutes.
General guidelines:
- All times listed above can be taken from official times, time trials or during training from coaches.
- Whether there is space in a particular squad is to be considered for swimmer safety.
- Progressions above Turtles that occur after the start of the season will be done only with current coach recommendations on advertised assessment nights by the head coach.
- Any grievance in relation to squad selection/progression is to be put in writing to the head coach.
- The decision to progress from one squad to the next will be at the discretion of the coaches, in consultation with the head coach, who will have the final decision on whether the swimmer will or will not progress to the next squad. Although times may or may not be met, many other factors come into play (eg Training ethics), then the head coach may progress, or hold the swimmer back in their current squad, until the specific requirements are met. This applies to all squads.